Month: January 2020

Repairing an Exhaust Pipe

A broken exhaust is certainly not something you can miss on your car; the noise is normally far too much to ignore. However, a small hole in an exhaust system that gets bigger over time can become something you get so used to you may think the noise is normal.…

Servicing your vehicle

It is a common mistake to assume a car service is not necessary because it isn’t required by law. Think of the many miles your car clocks to and from shuffling the kids around, work and the endless errands we run on a daily basis, hectic right? And with any…

How to de-ice your car appropriately

Slowly and safely If you can not see out your windscreen, it is not safe to drive. In fact, in the UK, by law you must be able to see out your windows, and have your number plate clearly visible and legible so you should always remove snow and ice…

Car thefts in the area

Is keyless entry all its made out to be? Car theft in the majority of the UK rose by as much as 38 per cent last year as keyless entry systems continue to be hacked. In 2019 the county had 1,831 reported incidents compared to 1,332 in 2017 - a…

The morning after the night before

Happy New Year to all of our customers past and present! Last night (New years eve) is usually a big one for most of us! Food and alcohol with love and laughter bringing in the new year. When it comes to road safety, do you know if you will still…